Sunday, March 8, 2009

Skin Cancer-Me? No way-I'm only 34!

Please wear sunscreen! I know I've always liked to be tan and in the sun like most people, however in January the skin doctor was suspicious of a skin mark on the right side of my forehead. I told him I had it burned off 1 or 2 years prior but it came back again. It was itchy and peeling and would bleed sometimes so I really didn't think much about it. My dad has had many skin cancers over the last several years and he said I should get it checked out again. The skin doctor took a chunk of the skin and tissue and sent it to a lab. A few weeks later they called and said it was basal cell carcinoma-the least harmful type of skin cancer. I went in and they cut it out as you can see in the pictures. They put 5 stitches under my skin and 16 stitches on top of my skin to stitch the skin back together again. The doctor said he rarely sees 30 something year olds with skin cancer and more of the retiree age. I will forever be wearing sunscreen, hats, shade and take better care of my skin and my childrens. Don't let this happen to you! Who knew?


  1. That is scary! I can't even see the stitches though. Your Dr. did a very good job. I can see your contacts too.

  2. Launee, Hey girl. I am glad you are okay and that Dr. caught it early. It doesn't look bad!! Hey I hope you read this soon because we are coming down to St. George on Wed. the 11th. We will be down for the week. Lets get together somtime. My cell # is 801-259-3470. Call me. Lori

  3. I am sick of seeing your stitches. It's time for a new post! Love you guys!
