Sunday, April 26, 2009

Easter Fun

Lauren and Dawson busy decorating their eggs
Look how Lauren is in total concentration and Dawson is
cuddling his eggs like they are a newborn baby!
Damon is so funny! He just kept dipping the same

egg over and over in the same yellow dye.

He not only dyed his egg but his hand too!


  1. What fun!Such a cool mom for letting Damon color eggs too. I must be a huge control freak! I can't believe you only have 5 more days! Remember, my birthday is on the 5th so maybe you can hold out that long. yeah, like that sound fun

  2. I looooove Damon's hand! Has the dye worn off yet? I will see you in a couple of days!!!

  3. oh, i am already missing my little "Janes clan". What sweet kids they are.

