Monday, June 29, 2009

Happy 8th Birthday Lauren (May 2)

Lauren is 8 years old already! I still remember the day she was born. She was such a cute little thing and I couldn't believe she was ours. The doctor told us she was the only little princess born that day in the hospital and the rest were boys! She is still our little princess. She is such a sweet daughter who is happy every day no matter what. Lauren always wants everyone to be happy and feel included. She is the sunshine in our home and such a smart and wise girl for someone her age. She has made me want to be a better mom and person and she teaches me so much about myself. Lauren is such a nice girl and always has friends flocking to her because she is so kind to them. She is so non-judgemental and finds the good in all. She is happy about life and always smiling and excited about the little things she does.She is a loving sister to her brothers and her sister. She is always worried about others before herself. Lauren is an example to follow and I am so happy to be her mom! I love you Lauren.


  1. When I think of Lauren, I see a happy smiling face. It is hard for me to believe she is eight! Lauren is such a kind thoughtful girl. She helps her mom and dad so-oo much. She always draws grampa and myself beautiful pictures with much detail. They mean alot Lauren.

    I hope you have a wonderful,fun,and happy #8 year!

    Love, gramma

  2. That is so true! Lauren is such a special princess. We love you bug and we were so happy to be there to celebrate your #8!!
